Completing Your Enrollment

Center City PCS stands firm on our mission to empower our students for lifelong success by building strong character, promoting academic excellence, and generating public service throughout the District of Columbia.


Ready to enroll at Center City PCS? It’s simple.

First, create an account on My School DC.

The application deadline is March 1, 2025.

Center City PCS participates in the My School DC common application process. When completing the application, be sure to rank your CCPCS school campus #1 to ensure your child is matched with your preferred campus. Lottery results will be released on March 28, 2025 for SY 2025-2026.

Center City PCS offers preferences for the following: Current CCPCS students transferring between campuses, siblings of current CCPCS students, and siblings of accepted, not yet enrolled students. Students must meet DC residency requirements to enroll.

New Family Resources

Below are the forms required for new student enrollment.

Returning Family Resources

Below are the forms required for returning student enrollment.

    We continue to work diligently to ensure our students and staff can learn in a safe environment.

    Central Office

    301 N Street NE, Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20002
    (202) 589-0202
    (202) 589-1629 (fax)
    [email protected]