Center City is committed to attracting, developing, and retaining one of the best faculties in the District.
Center City PCS educators are teachers, mentors, and leaders, they play an important role ensuring each student maximizes their potential. At CCPCS we aspire for all of our educators to encompass our core values: Character, Excellence and Service. What does this look like in action?
- Fundamental belief that all students can succeed
- Desire to continually improve their practice
- A positive attitude and the highest standards for themselves professionally
- A commitment to developing character in students
- Ability to engage all students in learning
- Capacity to use a wide range of instructional strategies to meet the needs of all students
- In-depth knowledge of content and Common Core State Standards
- Willingness to work hard and never give up on behalf of our students
- Desire to engage parents as partners in the education process
Center City PCS educators are teachers, mentors, and leaders, they play an important role ensuring each student maximizes their potential.
Why Build a Career at Center City?
Ongoing Professional Development
Center City recognizes that our teachers, just like our students, are life-long learners. We also know that investments in employee professional development and career success are significant factors in employee satisfaction. Therefore, we provide extensive professional development opportunities, including workshops, professional learning communities, and coaching to improve the quality of instruction. As educators, we share the ultimate goal of improving student outcomes.
Teacher Voice Matters
Teachers matter at Center City and we take every opportunity to listen and learn. Through informal discussions, gatherings, surveys and networking events, teachers always have an opportunity to share. Center City believes in open and honest communication and we celebrate being an authentic and diverse community.
View and Apply For SY 2024-25 Openings!
Teacher Qualifications: The Basics
While every teacher is different, Center City PCS seeks candidates with:
- A bachelor’s or master’s degree in an applicable subject area;
- A passing Praxis exam score by OSSE standards for the applicable grade level or subject area; and
- One year of full-time teaching experience, preferably in an urban environment.

Center City PCS continues to partner with TORSH Talent, an online professional learning platform that supports educator growth through a development cycle of assessment, goal setting, feedback, coaching, and data analysis.

NYU Teacher Residency
Center City is partnering with NYU to offer an innovative, one-year combined residency and master of arts in teaching (MAT) that empowers you to have a profound impact on students, classrooms, schools, and communities.